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We are happy to offer limited Daycare services on Mondays thru Thurdays.


The rate for daycare is $28 plus tax per day, per dog.


Drop-off for daycare is 8AM-9AM, and the pick-up is 5PM-6PM.


Because we are such a small kennel, we do not pre-book daycare days or guarantee space on the same days every week. Instead, we book daycare dogs when there is space between boarding dogs, no earlier than Sunday at noon for the upcoming week.


All dogs are required to have up-to-date Parvo and Distemper vaccines, and be protected with a monthly flea and worm preventative while staying at Chinook Winds.


Please note that for safety reasons, we do not accept any intact females (females who have not been spayed) after 6-months-old, and we do not accept any puppies less than 16 weeks (4 months) old (when they've completed their puppy shots.)


Because the happiness and well-being of your dog is our top-priority, we require a Meet & Greet prior to their first daycare day. Please contact us to schedule your Meet & Greet today!

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